Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Signs That You Need A Corporate Website Redesign

Signs That You Need A Corporate Website Redesign
Deciding to redesign a website can be more challenging than starting from scratch. When you don’t have a website, there’s a clear urgency and determination to create one, which is often lacking when considering a redesign. I've encountered clients with poorly designed websites who hesitate to invest in a new design, unsure if it's worth it.
For corporate websites, here are three signs that indicate a need for a design revamp and how this decision can impact your business.
Corporate Website Redesign
Your website hasn’t seen any major updates in over 5 years Technology evolves rapidly, and a website that's over five years old is likely outdated. This not only casts doubt on your brand’s credibility when potential partners assess it but also weakens your competitive image.
corporate website redesign
Your website limits your business growth
Your corporate website should reflect the current state of your business and present all relevant information. However, as your business evolves, simply updating the website may not suffice. If your website's capabilities are stifling your business growth—like having a cluttered menu due to numerous products or brands—a redesign is necessary. Your website should adapt to your business, not the other way around. A redesign can transform your website into a powerful tool for executing your business strategy.

Has Your Business Outgrown Your Corporate Website?

Let Geografixx's redesign services help your digital presence match the success of your business.


Addressing Common Visitor Questions
Your corporate website is the primary communication channel with potential employees, partners, and shareholders. It should address all their potential questions during a visit. If you frequently receive emails with questions that your company can answer but your website doesn’t, an update might be sufficient. However, if your website provides the answers but visitors can't find them, a UX audit and redesign are essential for better navigation.
Failing to address these issues not only increases the workload and costs for your public communication department but also risks losing potential clients or partners who leave without finding the information they need.
Stay Competitive with Modern Website Design
When you invest in something, you expect it to last. Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to website designs. Recognizing and accepting that your current website design no longer serves your business effectively is crucial. If any of the signs above resonate with you, consider reaching out to Geografixx to discuss the next steps for your website redesign

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